Energy Meter Laboratory
Energy Meters are the most important part of any electrical system. The revenue of the utilities is dependent on the measurement of energy consumed. ERDA has state of the art Energy Meter Laboratory to take up evaluation of Energy Meters as per various national and international standards.

Electrical Research and Development Association
- Complete type test facility for evaluation of energy meters and transducers as per Indian and International standards
- Smart Meter Facility as per IS 16444 (Approved by BIS)
- Communication protocol verification as per IS 15959 using CTT 4.2 standard and CTT 3.2 standard edition from DLMS user association and meter explorer software tool
- EMI/EMC Facility
- Load Switch Evaluation for utilization categories UC1
- Special & Temper test as per requirement of utilities
Major types of Energy Meters for evaluation at Energy Meter Laboratory
- Smart Energy Meters
- Prepaid Energy Meters
- Single Phase and Three Phase Static Energy Meter
- LTCT Operated Energy Meter
- Bidirectional Energy Meter