Engineering Analysis Centre
Equipped with state-of-the-art simulation and modelling packages based on finite element / volume methods, ERDA provides various analytical services to electrical industries and utilities across India and international market.

Electrical Research and Development Association
Modelling Packages based on
- Electromagnetic Structural
- Thermal
- Dynamical
- Fluid Structure Interaction
- Explicit Dynamics
- Multi-Physics coupled analysis such as Ansys, CFX, Fluent, Workbench, Mechanical APDL Maxwell, RMxprt, CFTurbo / Pumplinx, Simplorer and Solid Works
- Power system analysis software such as ETAP, EMTP-RV, Mi-Power
- Circuit simulation tools such as MATLAB / Simulink, ORCAD PSPICE
Electromagnetic analysis
Electrostatic Analysis
Structural and Thermal Analysis
Seismic Analysis
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Design and Analysis of Pump
Design and Analysis of Motor
Performance prediction and simulation studies of various types of motors
Power System Studies